Speak Up!

By: Maartje de Rond
Tutors: Kees Nauta & Wim Schermer
Keywords: speech difficulties, Group conversations, Turn taking, In control

Design Goal
My design goal is: “to ease the process for people with speech difficulties to express themselves in a group discussion at work or school.”

Interaction vision
The interactions should be like shifting gears in a car.
– on the conversation
– in taking turns
In Control
– of the turn taking process and the conversation

Speak Up!
“ Speak Up!” is a product which acts as a conversation manager. It guides the turn taking process of speaking during a formal group conversation, while still enabling people to express themselves spontaneously and in the moment. With this board, people can show whether they want to say something or have a short interruption. People with speech difficulties can hardly fight for their turn by raising their voice; this is why this verbal sign is replaced by a visual one. On the board a queue can be created which determines the speaking order The product consists of a box, which also is the board, several colored pens and six rule cards , which makes it self-explanatory and ready to be used.





Final Presentation