The Dressing Room Show

Sam van Eijk
Tutors: Sanne Kistemaker & Roy Bendor
Keywords: Teenage Girls, Dressing Rooms, Stepping Out

Design Goal
I want to help teenage girls, 15 – 17 years old, to feel more confident when stepping out of the dressing room to show clothes.

Interaction vision
 I want the interaction between people outside and inside the dressing room to be like an intimate spark.

The Dressing Room Show
My final design is a lighting system of two lights and two sensors that assure teenage girls who are fitting of the presence and attention of the people waiting when coming out to show clothes. In my design there is one light across the dressing room that projects light on the curtain. This light turns on when you go inside and because of this, you see silhouettes of people that are walking by or sitting in front of the dressing room. When you go outside, that light fades out and a higher spotlight turns on (they alternate). So when you step outside, you get in the spotlights and are able to show your clothes!




Final Presentation