
Michael Speek
Tutors: Gert Pasman & Lydia Thé

Keywords: nudging, sharing, children, piggybank

Design Goal
My goal is to stimulate young children (ages 9-10) to consciously share part of their money.

Interaction vision
Saving to share should feel like practicing that piano piece for someone’s birthday.

Wiggle is a piggy bank that stimulates children to share a part of their money, with the aim that they carry this pro-social behaviour into their adulthood.
Wiggle has three compartments. Using the weight of coins, Wiggle encourages to create a balance between saving goals, and to think of less affluent others. Next to being a useful piggy bank, Wiggle sparked conversation between children and parents about money management and helping those in need.In this ongoing project, children saved over €40 with Wiggle for organisations such as the World Wildlife Fund, the Children Cancerfree foundation, and animal protection services.

Wiggle is a recipient of an iF Design Talent Award 2018:


Final Presentation


Exhibition Poster