
By: Bo Wong
Keywords:  Standing commuter, rush hour train, sense of belonging, collaborative
Tutors: Nathalia Romero Herrera & Evelien Fleskens

Design Goal and Interaction vision
The design goal; I want to create a commute experience where the standing commuter feels a sense of belonging during rush hour.
The interaction vision;Crowd (commuters in the train) facilitates a crowd surfer (standing commuter entering the train coupe) in a collaborative and persuasive way. Crowd surfer (standing commuter) experiences sense of belonging.

My final design is the SpitsCoupé (Rush Hour coupé) which has SpitsStoelen (Rush Hour chairs). Commuters can choose to be in this coupé where they can stand comfortably or get stuck on the balconies when it suddenly becomes crowded. Commuters need to work together (all stand up) to let the handle come down so everyone has support and the standing commuter feels a sense of belonging during rush hour.




Final Poster