By: Wen-wei Chang
Keywords: Cycling, Dutch Culture, Empowerment
Tutors: Nathalia Romero Herrera & Evelien Fleskens
Design Goal and Interaction vision
The design goal; Let Foreign Cyclists Feel Embedded in the Dutch Cycling Culture.
The interaction vision; Feeling like joining a band jam.
Ride Dutchly
Living in Holland, bike is your foot. No matter where or when, people cycle all the time. Cycling is so ‘normal’ for most of Dutch people that they even don’t aware what are the culture or roles of riding bike. In this way, ‘Ride a bike appropriately in Holland’ becomes a tough task for lots of foreign cyclists because nobody could really teach them these roles and common senses within the Dutch cycling culture. Aiming on this concern of foreign cyclists, Ride Dutchly provides a basic but critical guide of
Dutch cycling culture. At the same time, Ride Dutchly turns new cyclists into active and confidence cycling learners. There are two products in the Ride Dutchly kit: the Tires Paint & the Spoke Cards.
Spoke Cards
Just like the ‘new driver’ sticker for people who just get their driving licence, their new cyclist sign aims to make other cyclist more friendly and kind to these newcomers.
From week 1 to week 10, there are different quests on each sign sheet for new cyclists to learn the various cycling culture in the Netherlands. After finishing each weekly goal, new cyclist can put the sign as a spoke card on their wheel. In this way, the spoke cards also represent their efforts and achievements on cycling.
Tires Paint
The color of green is usually used to represent the new beginner. With the Tires Paint, the green tire will become a symbol of new cyclist in the Netherlands. Everyone can recognise who is a newcomer with the color. While cycling, the green coating will gradually wears off. In this way, the different greenish also implies the cyclist is a newbie or a senior biker. After ten weeks training, the full-green tires will turn back into the normal black tires. At the same time, the new cyclist has also become one of the skillful Dutch cyclists on the streets.
The Ride Dutchly Kit Box is a reusable product that facilitates new cyclists one by one. New cyclists can rent the Ride Dutchly Kit Box in specific bike stores and practice their cycling skills with it. After ten weeks training, the kit will be returned back to the bike store and help another new cyclist. In this way, the Ride Dutchly Kit Box is not only help the new cyclists to know the Dutch cycling culture, but also build up the relationship among new cyclist, senior cyclist and the bike store.
