By: Noortje Küppers
Keywords: Emotional eating, indulgence
Tutors: Anna Pohlmeyer & Sanne Kistemaker
Design Goal and Interaction vision
The design goal: My design goal is to prolong the happy moment of eating a snack and giving it more quality.
The interaction vision: Feeling like a pig in the mud
3 Seconds of Joy
The final design includes three scoops with which you can eat ice cream. The objects represent three emotions: joy, comfort and sophistication.
The joy-scoop creates a nice curl in the ice cream, which makes the ritual of eating ice more fun. The comfort-scoop has a nice fitting grip and allows you to eat ice cream in a very comfortable way. It also brings you close to the ice cream and therefore brings you more in the moment. The sophistication-scoop is a combination of a ring and a spoon and creates a sophisticated moment of eating.