By: Mitchel Trap
Tutors: Peter Kraaijeveld & Dorian Kingman
Keywords: Haptic feedback, Motivation, Running, and Sharing
My end design is the RHYTHM, this wearable is placed around your lower inner arm to motivate you to run. The target group is beginning runners who want to run more often but cannot find the motivation or running partner to do so. This is due to the lack of rhythm, first of all in their running itself and also on a monthly or weekly base. Beginning runners often start too fast or too slow and cannot maintain a constant pace, this way they perform beneath their abilities and that demotivates them. RHYTHM will give the runner a rhythm to adapt to and so improve their runs. These rhythms can be pre-made by the device itself or sent in by your friends. You will be able to share your runs with your friends and surprise them with unexpected acceleration or interval training. This way your runs will vary and keeps the feeling of running with your friends.

Design goal: “I want beginning solo joggers to feel fulfillment during and after a run.”
Interaction Vision: The interaction vision with my concept should be like “presenting dinner to friends”.