By: Vicky Toellner
Tutors: Wouter van der Hoog & Satyendra Pakhale
Keywords: Death, conversation, family
My design goal is to facilitate positive and open conversations about death between family members at the dinner table.

‘Breaking Barriers’ is a surprising toolkit which helps you and your family members to start, and return to, conversations about death. Through guided and shared experiences, you have the opportunity to listen, share and ask important questions about the end-of-life wishes of your loved ones. By ‘Breaking Barriers’ you let go of your inhibitions, embrace the awkward and create tangible memories through meaningful conversations. Talking about death doesn’t need to be morbid, sad or awkward… In fact, it can be a positive experience. It’s a conversation we all need to have at some point, so then let’s make it a good one!

Interacting with my concept should be like going to a pottery class for the first time with the qualities: supporting, personal, open, connected, evolving, memorable.
