By: Irene Kingma
Tutors: Margreet Beets and Derek Lomas
Keywords: Students, circular wardrobes
Design Goal
I want to help students to let go of clothing they don’t wear more easily and to build up a wardrobe out of second hand clothing.
Interaction vision
Getting rid of clothing you don’t wear anymore should feel like taking out the right piece of Jenga. Getting second hand clothing should feel like getting whiskey in a whiskey bar.
Wanted is designed to get new owners for the unworn clothing in students clothes. In the application, users get an overview of their ‘matches’, students at their university with the same size. From there they can start browsing through photos of items that other people offer, as if they were shopping online, see image. When seeing an item they want, they can offer a trade, see image. The user can decide to upload a photo of an item or to choose an item from their own offers, if they already offered items on their own profile. The other person receives the offer and responds. They negotiate until both accept, they meet to trade and decide if they want the trade to go through.