Projects 2018/2019

Course coordinator: Roy Bendor and Gert Pasman
Student assistant: Iris Rattink

Go Green!
This year’s theme, Go Green!, was meant to draw attention to both the deep ecological crisis we face, and the capacity of designers to address the crisis in meaningful ways. The theme was also an invitation to think about how we experience the natural environment, how we draw inspiration from it, and how we use nature as a metaphor.

Many believe that we face a point of no return – a ‘tipping point’ after which the Earth’s climate may never return to its hospitable state. Pollution, wastefulness, and shortsightedness seem to have brought us to the brink. For designers, who have been complicit with many of these issues (think of throw-away objects, wasteful use of materials, encouraging wasteful behaviour), the ecological crisis provides an opportunity to make a positive difference both in terms of our material (or ecological) footprint and in terms of our relation to the natural environment.


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Folding for Food
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Table Memories
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Kras je lot!
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Greener Cleaner
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The Juggler
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Social Coffee
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Grow together
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