Unlocking Connections

By: Lucía Fernández-Renau
Keywords:  Fostering connections, inviting, playful
Tutors: Mark van Huystee & Annemiek van Boeijen

Design Goal and Interaction vision
The design goal: Insert the opportunity for students to connect in some way when walking around their faculty by breaking through their routine mindsets.
The interaction vision: Like Alice in Wonderland: “A white rabbit is able to awaken Alice’s curiosity, leading to a playful journey that does not leave her indifferent.”

Unlocking Connections
A participatory installation to be set up in a transited area within the faculty (making use of existing facilities – see Image 1- together with a connections kit – see Image 2) aiming at inserting the opportunity for students to become more connected and engaged with each other. It consists of a short activity were people can take part along their ways. The installation invites people to share a little about themselves. By doing this, they contribute to the creation of a network that abstractly shows how people are connected with each other through the things they have in common. By unlocking the things people have in common, which are often hidden, the installation becomes a way to reflect on different aspects of people’s lives, allowing for different interpretations. By awakening a positive curiosity towards others, temporary connections are created.




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