Take a Break

By: Elisa Mesland
Keywords:  Bus Stop, Relaxed, Waiting
Tutors: Ingrid Mulder & Ester Zwijnenberg

Design Goal and Interaction vision
The design goal: Reducing the perceived waiting time of unaccompanied, frequent travelers who are waiting at a single bus stop.
Sub-Design Goal: Transform negative emotions, like boredom or impatience, into positive emotions, like calmness.
The interaction vision:The ambience of lying in the grass on a sunny afternoon (see ambience image in the folder and the movie clip on my Project Campus). The qualities it includes are ‘open’, ‘modest’ and ‘relaxed’.
Qualities: Open, Fresh, Confident

Take a Break
The final design ‘Take a Break’ consists of a casing holding so called ‘Timefillers’, a speaker and a LED strip [Mesland] The product serves two groups of waiting travelers: those who entertain themselves and those who need inspiration. The first group is served by the sound and light only. They know, after experiencing the concept once, that a sound will be played one minute before the bus arrives. After that the light turns on as well. This makes that they can do whatever they want without checking for the bus all the time. It makes their waiting experience relaxed. The second group makes use of the same features, but for them there are cards with inspiring assignments as well [Mesland1] This actively reduces the perceived waiting time.


