Getting Started

By: Heleen Bouma
Keywords:  Procrastination, securing & stimulating
 Mark Huystee & Elif Ozcan Vieira

Design Goal and Interaction vision
The design goal: To get MOOC students to start right away with their assignment, instead of procrastinating.
The interaction vision: I want the student to feel like he is stimulated and secured by his mother and therefore can take the next step.

Getting Started
To stimulate and secure MOOC students to get started on their assignments I designed the application, Moops. Moops encourages and empowers you by giving structure, guidance and positive feedback on your work. By first adding your tasks for the day and arranging them by priority and time. Moops will take charge of your schedule and help you to get started and to go on a break regularly. To make sure you go on a break, go back to work again, and do all your tasks she stimulates you with compliments, reassuring words, direct comments and tips on how to spend your break.




Final Presentation