
International workshops in various non-Western countries.

Master elective Social Design, under construction. First run February 2025.

Bachelor elective Culture & Society. Coordination and lectures.

Master elective Culture Sensitive Design Thinking. This is a double blended course, which means that IDE students follow the course both in class and online, and design practitioners and students from other schools follow the course online. I developed this course and coach the students together with another teacher. A student assistant moderates the course online.

Culture Conscious Education

Together with Willemine Biemond (coordinator of IDE International Office): workshops on Culture Sensitive Education for IDE teachers.


Together with Jaap Daalhuizen, Jelle Zijlstra (editors) and Yvo Zijlstra (designer) we made a new version of the Delft Design Guide. The 2013 version is also available in Chinese and Japanese.

The Delft Design Guide covers a range of teaching and study perspectives, models, approaches and methods for the design of products and product service systems, basically used in our bachelor.

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In Product Design – The Delft Design Approach   rewarded edX Massive Online Open Course (MOOC). Feedback on participants’ work in the so called ‘sofa sessions’.

Culture was one of the area of expertise of the IPD master Advanced Concept Design (run from 2004-2024), concept development for real clients. Culture is about Design, Culture and Society; ‘the meaning of things’, from a cultural perspective in context.

Bachelor elective course Design and Cultural Impact : coordination, lectures and coaching.

Introduction master course Manage Your Master (for all 1st, 2nd and 3rd master students) A pitch about the importance of being culture sensitive in education and design.

Graduation Projects (all masters, specifically IPD and DfI), chair and mentor.
The picture shows the gradation result of Heleen Willemse (2005): A child-, parent and nurse friendly incubator ‘the Babybloom‘.

Joint Master Project/XL: coach and detached critic. ‘Base of the Pyramid projects’, design for emerging markets. The pictures above are from the Hebi Base student group: a redesign of the Van Hemel Baby Incubator for rural hospitals in developing areas.

International Design Opportunity ‘i do’ in Hong Kong: lecturer, coach and researcher. From 2005-2010 every summer (June-July), the PolyU in Hong Kong organised the International Design Opportunity, with IDE as a cooperating partner.