
Ingrid Mulder is involved in the following teaching activities in the Master Programme Design for Interaction at the Delft University of Technology.

ID4250 Exploring Interactions
Involvement: tutor.
Course description

ID4256 Usability and User eXperience Assessment in Design
Involvement: research coach, design coach.
Course description

BK-Mi-124-11 Minor Interactive Environments
Involvement: design critiques.
Course description

ID 5613 Prototyping for interaction and participation
Involvement: coach.
Course description

ID4295 Graduation Project
Involvement: chair/mentor.
Course description

ID6101HPM Master Honours Project (MHP)
Involvement: coordinator for DfI students.Course description

Graduation projects

Since 2008, Ingrid Mulder (co)supervised more than forty M.Sc. graduation projects.

The entire collection of graduation projects can be viewed here.


Ingrid Mulder is also co-promotor and supervisor of several PhD projects.