Generally: user research and empowerment in and for design, as well as design research methodology.

ID4250 Exploring Interactions
course coordinator, lecturer and coach

ID4265 Design for Interaction Research Methodology
course coordinator, lecturer and coach

ID5613 master elective Prototyping for Interaction and Participation
course coordinator, lecturer and coach

ID5383 master elective Inclusive Design

Graduation Projects

I have supervised 50+ graduation projects at the faculty. Interested in a graduation project? Please take a look at my research interests and do get in touch!

Microsoft Research Design Expo 2012 and 2015

Every year, Microsoft Research (USA) invites three to six international universities to compete in a student design contest: the Microsoft Research Design Expo (MSRDE). In the past Delft University participated several times. In 2012 and 2015 I was invited by Microsoft to take a student team from IDE TU Delft there. See our trip and the students’ presentation of the 2012 edition here.