My main vocation is tool-maker, making tools to enable people to involve computer technology in their creative activities or to shape technology as a design material. The motor that drives my research is education. In the interaction design courses that we constantly innovate our teaching of involving computer technology early on in the design process.
I have authored and co-authored a number of papers on the topic of how to involve computer technology in the early stages of the design process.
My workplace is in the IDStudiolab, a design research community where graduate students, PhD students, and other staff members all work their individual projects in a way that makes collaboration or sharing of ideas and knowledge almost unavoidable.
My job involves supporting my colleagues in the IDStudiolab when they want to involve technology in their projects at a level that is out of their comfort zone. Hence, I am involved in many other research projects at the Faculty of Industrial Design Engineering, from advisory roles to hands-on participation.
Below a sample from projects exploring how to make the technology suitable for the early stages of the design process. All projects are published, see the links on my publication page.
Acting Machine Feel The Flow Atreyu