An up to date list with my publications is maintained by TUDelft on Scopus.
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- A. van der Helm, T.J. Jaskiewicz, N. Romero Herrera. Problem-Based Teaching Of Interaction Design To Fresh Minds – Lessons From Integrating Experiential Interactive Prototyping In A Course On Interaction Design And User Experience Research. in ICERI 2015. 2015. Sevilla: IATED.
- Bots, E., et al., Demo hour. interactions, 2015. 22(6): p. 8-11.
- Helm, A.A., Binnen 2 uur een dochterflitser – Practicum met de Arduino. Terugkoppeling, 2013. 22(2): p. 10-15.
- Yoon, J., P. Desmet and A. van der Helm (2012). “Design for interest: Exploratory study on a distinct positive emotion in human-product interaction.” International Journal of Design 6(2): 67-80.
- Rusak, Z., I. Cimen, I. Horvath and A. van der Helm (2012). Designing natural user interfaces for commercial 3D modelling software. Proceedings of the ninth international symposium on tools and methods of competitive engineering – TCME-2012.
- Rozendaal, M., A. Helm, W. Aprile, A. Vermeeren, T. Bekker, M. Kanis and W. Middendorf (2012). Designing Persuasive Interactive Environments. Ambient Intelligence. F. Patern, B. Ruyter, P. Markopouloset al, Springer Berlin Heidelberg. 7683: 455-456.
- R.A. Paauwe, W.A. Aprile and A. v. d. Helm (2012). Teaching Interaction Designers To Sketch In Software. EDULEARN12 Proceedings, Barcelona, IATED.
- Qu, Y., W. Liu, A. van der Helm and W. Aprile (2012). Interactive pong: Learning and practicing interaction design through interactive prototyping. Proceedings of the 10th asia pacific conference on computer human interaction, APCHI’12, ACM.
- Liu, W., A. van der Helm, P. J. Stappers, W. Aprile, G. Pasman and I. Keller (2012). Interactive pong: exploring ways of user inputs through prototyping with sensors. Proceedings of the 2012 ACM Conference on Ubiquitous Computing, ACM.
- Walter Aprile and A. v. d. Helm (2011). Designer driven interaction toolkits. Workshop Work-in-Progress. 5th ACM Conference on Tangible, Embedded and Embodied Interaction (TEI 2011). Funchal Portugal.
- Liu, W., P. J. Stappers, G. Pasman and A. van der Helm (2011). Demonstrating Generation Y interactions through interactive prototyping. Proceedings of the 13th international conference on Ubiquitous computing, ACM.
- Helm, A. v. d. and W. Aprile (2011). Student Responses: Delft University of Technology. Design Against ATM Crime. L. Gamman and A. Thorpe. London, Socially Responsive Design and Innovation Press: 45-57.
- Aprile, W., A. v. d. Helm and D. Keyson (2011). Interactive Technology Design at the Delft University of Technology: Blending Technology and Design Through Aggressive Prototyping. 5th International Technology, Education and Development Conference, Valencia, Spain, IATED.
- Aprile, W. and A. v. d. Helm (2011). Interactive Technology Design at the Delft University of Technology – a Course about How to Design Interactive Products. International Conference on Engineering and Product Design Education E&PDE11, London, UK.
- Jaskiewicz., T., Walter Aprile and A. v. d. Helm (2010). Creative approach to the design and prototyping of experimental smart spaces, case studies from the Interactive Environments minor. Third Conference on Smart Spaces, ruSMART 2010. Sergey Balandin, Roman Dunaytsev and Y. Koucheryavy. St. Petersburg, Russia.
- Aadjan van der Helm, Pieter Jan Stappers, Paul Hekkert and D. Keyson (2010). The ID-Studiolab 2005-2010, Further developing a creative research environment. Design Research in the Netherlands 2010. H.H. Achten, B. de Vries and P. J. Stappers. Eindhoven, Technische Universiteit Eindhoven. 3.
- O.A. van Nierop, A. van der Helm, K.J. Overbeeke and T. J. P. Djajadiningrat (2008). “A natural human hand model.” The Visual Computer 24(1): 31-44.
- Bernardo van de Schepop, Walter Aprile and A. v. d. Helm (2008). S-Buzz | Development of an interactive toy for girls. Enactive. Pisa, Iltaly.
- Bart Jaap Hengeveld, Riny Voort, Caroline Hummels, J. De Moor, Hans van Balkom, Kees Overbeeke and A. v. d. Helm (2008). “The Development of LinguaBytes, an Interactive Tangible Play and Learning System to Stimulate the Language Development of Toddlers with Multiple Disabilities.” Advances in Human-Computer Interaction 2008: 15.
- A. van der Helm, W. Aprile and D. Keyson (2008). “Experience Design for Interactive Products: Designing Technology Augmented Urban Playgrounds for Girls.” PSYCHNOLOGY JOURNAL 6(2): 173-188.
- Stappers, P. J., D. Saakes, A. van der Helm and G. Pasman (2007). New media tools to support design conceptualization. Euromedia 2007 – Thirteenth annual scientific conference on web technology, new media, communications and telematics theory, methods, tools, and applications., Delft, The Netherlands.
- Hummels, C., A. Van Der Helm, B. Hen-Geveld, R. Luxen, R. Voort, H. Van Balkom and J. De Moor (2007). “Explorascope: stimulation of language and communicative skills of multiple handicapped children through an interactive, adaptive educational toy.” Digital Creativity 18(2): 79-88.
- C. Hummels, A. van der Helm, B. Hengeveld, R. Luxen, R. Voort, H. Van Balkom and J. D. Moor (2006). Explorascope: an interactive, adaptive educational toy to stimulate the language and communicative skills of multiple-handicapped children. Proc. ArtAbilitation 2006: 16-24.
- A.I. Keller, A. Hoeben and A. d. Helm (2006). “Cabinet: merging designers’ digital and physical collections of visual materials.” Personal and Ubiquitous Computing 10(2): 183-186.
- Caroline Hummels, Kees Overbeeke and A. v. d. Helm (2005). The Interactive Installation ISH: In Search of Resonant Human Product Interaction. Funology, From Usability to Enjoyment, Springer Netherlands. Volume 3: 265-274.
- C. Hummels and A. van der Helm (2004). “ISH and the search for resonant tangible interaction.” Personal and Ubiquitous Computing 8(5): 385-388.
- Aadjan van der Helm, Caroline Hummels and C. Overbeeke (2003). Feel The Flow, Tangible Interaction Design from a Software Engineering Perspective. Workshop on Tangible Interaction. Mads Clausen Institute for Product Innovation, University of Southern Denmark, Denmark.
- E. de Voogt, A. van der Helm and W. F. Bronsvoort (2000). “Ray tracing deformed generalized cylinders.” The Visual Computer 16(3): 197-207.
- A. van der Helm, P. Ebell and W. F. Bronsvoort (1998). “Modelling mollusc shells with generalized cylinders.” Computers & Graphics 22(4): 505-513.