A quite up-to-date general list of my publications can be found on Google Scholar Citations.
On the TU Delft repository you may find publications on which I am a co-author.
The latest one is Generative Research Techniques Crossing Cultures: A Field Study in China, by C Hao, A van Boeijen, M Sonneveld, PJ Stappers, International Journal of Cultural and Creative Industries 4 (3), 04-21. can be found here
The TU Delft metis pages, the university keeps track of my output.
So in the overview below, I will present some highlights on a few key areas of my writing.
These publications are specifically about teaching
Stappers, P.J. (2012) Teaching principles of qualitative analysis to industrial design engineers. In: Buck, L, Frateur, G., Ion, W., McMahon, C., Baelus, C, de Grande, G., & Verwulgen, S. (Eds) Design Education for future wellbeing. Proceedings of the 14th International Conference on Engineering & Product Design Education, Antwerp, Belgium, 6-7 September 2012, 109 – 114
Sleeswijk Visser, F., & Stappers, P.J., (2012) The impact of ‘service design’ on the industrial design engineering curriculum. In: Buck, L, Frateur, G., Ion, W., McMahon, C., Baelus, C, de Grande, G., & Verwulgen, S. (Eds) Design Education for future wellbeing. Proceedings of the 14th International Conference on Engineering & Product Design Education, Antwerp, Belgium, 6-7 September 2012, 813-818
de Roeck, D, Standaert, A., Paauwe, R., Verwulgen, S, Baelus, C, & Stappers, P.J. (2012) Interweaving digitality in the fabric of design. In: Buck, L, Frateur, G., Ion, W., McMahon, C., Baelus, C, de Grande, G., & Verwulgen, S. (Eds) Design Education for future wellbeing. Proceedings of the 14th International Conference on Engineering & Product Design Education, Antwerp, Belgium, 6-7 September 2012, 493-498
Boeijen, AGC van & Stappers, PJ (2011). Preparing western designers for the use of contextmapping techniques in non-western situations. In A Kovacevic, W Ion, C McMahon, L Buck & P Hogarth (Eds.), Proceedings of the 13th international conference on engineering and product design education (pp. 547-553). The Design Society, IED.
Stappers, PJ, Sleeswijk Visser, F & Lugt, R van der (2007). Teaching contextmapping to industrial design. In S.n. (Ed.), Designing with people. Proceedings of the 4th International Conference on Inclusive Design (pp. 1-10). London: Royal College of Art.
Stappers, PJ, Hekkert, PPM & Keyson, DV (2007). Design for interaction: consolidating the user-centered design focus in industrial design engineering. In E Bohemia, K Hilton, C McMahon & A Clarke (Eds.), Proceedings of the 9th Engineering and product Design Education International Conference (pp. 69-74). Westbury: Institution of Engineering Designers.
Stappers, P.J., & ten Berge, J. (2003) Research and teaching in Industrial Design Engineering at TU Delft: Creating products for people.
contextmapping and co-creation
We keep an overview of the publications on contextmapping on the contextmapping page.
Sanders, E.B.-N. & Stappers, P.J. (2012) Convivial Toolbox: generative design research for the fuzzy front end. BIS Publishers, Amsterdam
Co-creation and the new landscapes of Design. Codesign, 4(1), 5-18.
Sleeswijk Visser, F., van der Lugt, R., & Stappers, P.J. (2007) Sharing User Experiences in the Product Innovation Process: Participatory Design Needs Participatory Communication Creativity and Innovation Management 16 (1), 35–45.
van Rijn, H, Bahk, Y, Stappers, PJ & Lee, KP (2006). Three factors for contextmapping in East Asia: Trust, control and nunchi. CoDesign: international journal of cocreation in design and the arts, 2(3), 157-177.
Stappers, P.J. (expected 2013) Prototypes as central vein for knowledge development. Valentine, L. et al. (Eds). Prototype: craft in the future tense.
Stappers, P.J., & Hoffman, R.R. (2009) Once more, into the soup. IEEE Intelligent Systems, 24 (5), 9-13.
Stappers, PJ (2007). Doing design as a part of doing research. In R Michel (Ed.), Design research now: essays and selected projects (pp. 81-91). Basel: Birkhauser.
Stappers, PJ (2006). Designing as a part of research. In R vd Lugt & PJ Stappers (Eds.), Design and the growth of knowledge: Best practices and ingredients for succesful design research (pp. 12-17). Delft: ID Studiolab Press
Visser, T. & Stappers, P.J. (2012) ID StudioLab, Delft University of Technology. ACM Interactions May+June 2012, 90-93
design tools and techniques, design research in general
Stappers, P. J. (2005). Creative connections: User, designer, context, and tools. Personal and Ubiquitous Computing. 10(2-3),95-100
Stappers, P. J. and J. Hennessey (2000). Beyond the electronic beermat: Digital devices for discussing design drawings. Codesigning 2000 Adjunct Proceedings, Coventry.
Hekkert, P. P. M., D. V. Keyson, et al. (2000). The Delft ID StudioLab: research through and for design. Design research in the Netherlands 2000, Eindhoven, The Netherlands.
Stappers, P. J. and J. M. Hennessey (1999). Towards electronic napkins and beermats: Computer support for visual ideation skills. Proceedings of VRI?98: Visual Representations and Interpretations., Liverpool, Berlin, Springer.
Stappers, P. J. and J. M. Hennessey (1999). Computer-supported tools for the conceptualization phase. Fourth International Conference on Design Thinking., MIT, Boston, MA.
These papers describe the central view behind my work in the other topics above.
sketchy tools, experiential prototyping, and TRI
Stappers, P.J., Saakes, D., van der Helm, A, & Pasman, G. (2007) New media tools to support design conceptualization. Keynote, in: Rothkrantz, L, and van der Mast, C., Euromedia 2007. Thirteenth annual scientific conference on web technology, new media, communications and telematics theory, methods, tools, and applications. April 25-27, Delft, the Netherlands. Pages 5-10.download
Stappers, P. J., Gaver, W.W., Overbeeke, C.J. (2003). Beyond the limits of real-time realism: Moving from stimulation correspondence to information correspondence. Virtual and Adaptive Environments: Applications, implications, and human performance issues. L. J. Hettinger, & Haas, M.W. Mahwah, NJ, Erlbaum:91-110. From the abstract: In this chapter, we discuss some of the advantages this sort of “information correspondence” approach has over the more traditional stimulation correspondence perspective. In particular, we suggest that the Gibsonian concept of information in the specificational sense may provide a useful basis for developing a theoretical understanding of the differences between these approaches, and for developing new VR tools more generally.
Saakes, D. P. and P. J. Stappers (2002). “Designing Architectural Walkthroughs: From Simulations to Presentations by Visualising Narrative Transitions.” International Journal of Design Computing 4. From the abstract: A virtual Reality walkthrough is not only a simulation, it’s a presentation. This paper describes narrative transitions to support the presentation by serving the user experience. The transitions presented are technically simple, to be used by designers.
Keller, A. I., P. J. Stappers, et al. (2001). “TRI: Inspiration Support for a design studio environment.” International Journal of Design Computing 3: 1-17.
Hoeben, A. and P. J. Stappers (2001). Ideas: A vision of a designer?s sketchingtool. Proceedings CHI2001: Conference on Human Factors in Computing Systems.
Stappers, Keller, et al. (2000). “(2000) Listen to the noise: ‘Sketchy’ design tools for ideation.” Exchange Online Journal 1(1).
Keller, I., P. J. Stappers, et al. (2000). Presence for design: Creating atmosphere with video collages. Third International Workshop on Presence, Delft, the Netherlands.
Stappers, P. J. (1998). Experiencing non-Newtonian physics in VR. Proceedings VRET?97: Virtual Reality in Education & Training ’97, Loughborough, UK. See our site on TRI
Visualising experiences: storyboarding et al.
van der Lugt, R., Postma, C.E., & Stappers, P.J. (2012) Photoboarding. Touchpoint, 4(2), 76-79.
Stappers, P.J., & van der Lelie, C, et al (2005-2013) Storyboarding for designers and design researchers. Halfday course/tutorial at CHI conferences in Paris (2013), Vancouver (2011), Atlanta (2010), IASDR conference in Seoul (2009), and the 2nd International Conference on Appliance Design, Bristol (2005)
inspiration interfaces
Groenen, P. J. F., & Stappers, P.J. (2003). “Dynamische visualisatie met meerdimensionale schaling.” Stator 2(april): 4-10. (in Dutch)
Stappers, P. J. H., A. (2001). Every pixel user-made: Aesthetic consistency in the development of computer-supported conceptual design tools. Bulletin of the Fifth Asian Design Conference, Seoul, Korea.
Pasman, G. and P. J. Stappers (2001). ProductWorld: an interactive environment for classifying and retrieving product samples. Bulletin of the Fifth Asian Design Conference, Seoul, Korea.
Stappers, P. J., Pasman, G., & Groenen, P.J.F. (2000). Exploring databases for taste or inspiration with interactive multi-dimensional scaling. Ergonomics for the New Millenium. Proceedings of the XIVth tirennial confress of the International Ergonomics Association and 44th annual meeting of the Human Factors and Ergonomics Society, San Diego, CA.
Stappers, P. J. (1999). Method and Electronic Database Search Engine for Exposing the Content of an Electronic Database. (Werkwijze en elektronische gegevensbestandzoekinrichting voor het ontsluiten van een elektronisch gegevensbestand).
Stappers, P. J., & Pasman, G. (1999). Exploring a database through interactive visualised similarity scaling. Human Factors in Computer Systems. CHI99 Extended Abstracts., Pittsburgh, PA.
Pasman, G. and P. J. Stappers (1999). Visual input scenarios for product databases. Report of Modeling the Evaluation Structure of KANSEI:415-422.
See the site on on MDS-Interactive
tiny tools
Stappers, P. J., Hoeben, A., Flach, J.M. (2003). Learning control theory by experiencing dynamics. Asian Design International Conference, Tsukuba, Asian Society for the Science of Design.
Hoeben, A. and P. J. Stappers (2000). Flicking through Page-based documents with thumbnail sliders and electronic dog-ears. The future is here: Proceedings Conference on Human Factors in Computing Systems CHI 2000, ACM. see our site tiny tools
aesthetics and perception
Locher, P. J. and P. J. Stappers (2002). “Factors Contributing to the Implicit Dynamic Quality of Static Abstract Designs.” Perception 31(9): 1093-1107.
Locher, P. J., E. Cornelis, et al. (2001). “An empirical investigation of the role of balance in the creation of visual designs by adults.” Empirical Sciences of the Arts 19(2): 213-227.
Locher, P. J., A. Vos, et al. (2000). “A system for investigating 3-D form perception.” Acta Psychologica 104: 17-27.
Locher, P. J., Pepe, C., Stappers, P.J., & Overbeeke, C.J. (2000). The contribution of color to perceived pictoral balance. Proceedings of the XVI Congress of the International Association of Empirical Aesthetics, New York.
Overbeeke, C. J., P. Locher, et al. (2000). Try to see it from the other side: A system for investigating 3-D form perception. Proceedings of the XVI Congress of the International Association of Empirical Aesthetics, New York.
Lee, S. H., Harada, A., & Stappers, P.J. (2000). Kansei appreciation of observing 3D objects. Proceedings of the XVI Congress of the International Association of Empirical Aesthetics, New York.
Cornelis, E., J. Wagemans, et al. (2000). The perceived balance and dynamic quality of abstract designs as a function of display field shape and composition anisotropy. Proceedings of the XVI Congress of the International Association of Empirical Aesthetics, New York.
Locher, P. J., P. J. Stappers, et al. (1999). “An empirical evaluation of the visual rightness theory of pictorial composition.” Acta Psychologica 103: 261-280.
Locher, P. J., P. J. Stappers, et al. (1998). “The role of balance as an organizing design principle underlying adults? compositional strategies for creating visual displays.” Acta Psychologica 99: 141-161.
Locher, P. J., P. J. Stappers, et al. (1998). “The role of balance as an organizing design principle underlying adults? compositional strategies for creating visual displays.” Acta Psychologica 99: 141-161.
Stappers, P.J. (1992) Scaling the Visual Consequences of Active Movements. Ph.D. Thesis, Delft University of Technology.download
ubiquitous computing, tangible interaction, …
Hoefnagels, S., Geelhoed, E., Stappers, P.J., Hoeben, A., vdLugt, R. (2003). Designing for a frictionless mobile lifestyle:Using a friction metaphor in designing appliances for mobility. first international conference on appliance design 1AD, Bristol, UK, Appliance Studio.
Keller, A. I., van der Hoogh, W., Stappers, P.J. (2004). “Gust of me: Reconnecting mother and son.” Pervasive computing(January-March): 10-16.
van der Hoog, W., Keller, A.I., Stappers, P.J. (2004). Gustbowl: Technology supporting affective communication through routine ritual interactions. CHI 2004: Human Factors in Computing, Vienna, Austria, ACM.
van der Hoog, W., Keller, A.I., Stappers, P.J. (2004). “Using routine affective rituals in designing enjoyabe products.” ACM Interactions.
The gustbowl work was part of MSR design expo 2003, and is documented on the Mama’s boys webpage