In 2020 we had to revamp the ID4216 course Context & Conceptualisation (or C&C for short), which meant turning a series of a dozen lectures and self-run workshops for 200 students online. From lively, physical studio work to remote, virtual collaboration with Zoomlinks and Miroboards. We captured what we learned in the process in three video lectures, one on the course structure in general, one on video lectures, and one on workshops. //Pieter Jan, Froukje, Erika, Priyanka, and Corrie

1. Context & Conceptualisation …& Corona

Video #1 gives an overview of the course structure of workshops in ID4216 Context & Conceptualisation (or ‘C&C’ for short), the way of working, the activities over the weeks – and how we changed those (11 tips and 3 observations).

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2. Lecture like a Youtuber

Video #2 describes how we recorded short fast lectures, using YouTubing techniques and a Guerrilla approach to recording.

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3. Moving Workshops Online with Zoom and Miro

Video #3 reports the way we managed 200 students in up to 50 groups across 50 miroboards or with up to 100 on the same board.

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The course ID4216 Context & Conceptualisation is a 6 ECTS Fall semester course for MSc students in the programmes Design for Interaction and Strategic Product Design at the Faculty of Industrial Design Engineering, TU Delft.

Want more tips? Here’s a lecture and foldout map with tips on Academic Writing, and one of Systems Thinking in Science, Engineering, and Design.