On this page you can show a list of your publications. Ideally you link to the actual publication online so interested visitors can download/view them instantly, some of these publications are in PDF format so using a software like Soda PDF could be useful to open them.
Showing a list of items on a HTML page is properly handled by the HTML construct called ordered lists (scroll down a bit and you find the proper entry – there is more info for using HTML on that page). Daniel Saakes has provided an example to make a clean list ordered by year of publication. It is included below so you can quickly adapt it for your own publications.
- Saakes, D.P., Chui, K., Hutchison, T., Buczyk, B.M., Koizumi, N., Inami, M. and Raskar, R. Slow Display. In SIGGRAPH 2010 emerging technologies: Proceedings of the 37th annual conference on Computer graphics and interactive techniques, July 2010.
- Saakes, D.P. Big Lampan Lamps: designing for DIY. In Proceeding of the Seventh ACM Conference on Creativity and Cognition, October 2009.
- Saakes, D.P. and Stappers, P.J. A tangible design tool for sketching materials in products. Artificial Intelligence for Engineering Design, Analysis and Manufacturing (AI EDAM), 23(3), pp 275-287, August 2009.
- Saakes, D.P. and Lugt, R Material Design Workshop. In Proceedings of the 3rd conference of the International Association of Societies of Design Research (IASDR), August 2009.
- Saakes, D.P. and Aprile, W. Sketching graphics on products: an enactive approach. In proceedings of the 5th International Conference on Enactive Interfaces, pp 19-21, November 2008.
- Saakes, D.P. and Lugt, R. Relight my Model: New Media in Ideation Workshops. In Proceedings of the 2nd conference of the International Association of Societies of Design Research (IASDR), October 2007.