Your Turn, the toolkit for co-design with kids has been developed at TU Delft by staff from the faculty of Industrial Design Engineering and the teacher academy at Science Education and Communication, in cooperation with the TU Delft Wetenschapsknooppunt. You are welcome to contact us.
For queries related to application of the toolkit in practice or advancing the design outcomes, you may contact:
Mathieu Gielen
Faculty of Industrial Design Engineering
Department of Industrial Design, section DCC
Landbergstraat 15
2628 CE Delft, The Netherlands
m.a.gielen [@] tudelft.nl
For queries related to the application of the toolkit in school settings with a primary focus on advancing learning outcomes, you may contact:
Remke Klapwijk
Faculty of Applied Sciences
Department Science Education and Communication
r.m.klapwijk [@] tudelft.nl
You may also want to visit the (Dutch language) website of the Wetenschapsknooppunt Zuid-Holland for more educational material on design and technology education for primary and secondary schools.