1. Context & Conceptualisation …& Corona
Video #1 gives an overview of the course structure of workshops in ID4216 Context & Conceptualisation (or ‘C&C’ for short), the way of working, the activities over the weeks – and how we changed those (11 tips and 3 observations).
2. Lecture like a Youtuber
Video #2 describes how we recorded short fast lectures, using YouTubing techniques and a Guerrilla approach to recording.
3. Moving Workshops Online with Zoom and Miro
Video #3 reports the way we managed 200 students in up to 50 groups across 50 miroboards or with up to 100 on the same board.
The course ID4216 Context & Conceptualisation is a 6 ECTS Fall semester course for MSc students in the programmes Design for Interaction and Strategic Product Design at the Faculty of Industrial Design Engineering, TU Delft.
Want more tips? Here’s a lecture and foldout map with tips on Academic Writing, and one of Systems Thinking in Science, Engineering, and Design.