I am interaction and industrial designer. After obtaining my PhD in interaction design (TUDelft – December, 2014) I worked as post-doctoral researcher in the Faculty of Industrial Design Engineering with the 2ndSKIN project, within the Building Technologies Accelerator (BTA- Climate-KIC’s project). My role was to explore and implement reflective mechanisms in the design of technology that supports energy comsumption behavior.
I obtained my bachelor degree from the Department of Industrial Design at Los Andes University in Bogotá, Colombia. After some years working in the industry of office furniture and corporative image, I continued with a master program in Industrial Design Engineering at Delft University of Technology. In 2008, I received a honorific Cum Laude MSc. degree with the project KITA (Kinesiofeedback Toy for ADHD children), focused on reflective technology, Tangible User Interfaces and sensing technology.
After my master graduation, I started a PhD at the Department of Industrial Design Engineering in Delft University of Technology in 2009. The research focused on the design of supportive technology for healthcare. The application of this research adressed the recovery process of Total Hip Replacement patients (THR), and physical activity awareness and reflection for knowledge workers.
Other interests
In my spare time I like to learn about photography, shooting whatever I find interesting, exploring also what post-production techniques can offer for more striking results. Studio photography, portraiture, and nature are my favorites. This is my ultimate passion!