David van der Blonk
Patrick Keesmaat
Max van Manen
Carmen Pepping
Elias van der Linden
Marijke Blom
Alice Coey
Miura is a flexible partition wall that has been designed specifically for the new Pulse Building at the TU Delft. Using an intricately designed origami pattern it is able to fully extend and retract, creating study areas to suit the student’s needs.
Pulse has a strong emphasis on collaborative and interdisciplinary group work. We envisioned however that conflicting sounds from these various groups would cause distractions and therefore Miura has been specifically designed to minimise this.
In the creation of Miura research was put into how to implement sound dampening materials. This felt solution is how this research cultivated into the final design. Miura uses sensor data to aid in social amplification. The central pole projects information about noise levels and the occupancy of the surrounding tables and chairs thus aiding people’s choice about where to sit. This helped solve one of the key problems during the reasearch, namely that student find it difficult to spot vacant spots from afar.