Interactive Environments students: Milada Speet, Floor Lycklama A Nijeholt, Babette van Schaik, Jimmy Iliohan, Danilo Dumeljic, Fergus Mckenzie.
Finished on
Working in project teams in the office environment
Crecol is designed to facilitate teamwork and collaboration. It is an interactive table that is designed to be used within project groups. The table has multiples modes of interaction, it can be used as a normal table but its value lies in using it as an activity timer. By setting a specific amount of time before the brainstorming session, and putting the table into the standing mode, the team can ensure that their sessions are more productive and efficient. After the timer is done the table will return into the sitting mode.
In order to design Crecol students have conducted several user testing sessions. They have deepened their understanding of interaction design, technology and design research. Through the research students have learned that setting a timer helps to encourage efficiency of brainstorming sessions. Furthermore students have learned about ergonomics of a working space and how changing ones posture can improve productivity and engagement in activities. Lastly the embodied type of signal, with which the table communicates, ensured that the users were always aware of the interaction mode in which the table was set.