StudioLab: A Design Research Community at the Industrial Design Engineering faculty of the Delft University of Technology
StudioLab hosts research and education from different groups at the Human Centered Design department and aims to promote cross-pollination between projects, between research and education, between making and thinking, between theory and design.
StudioLab was started in 1999 and has been growing ever since.

What we do
Our work is experience-centered and design-driven.
Experience-centered: we regard design as primarily aimed at improving the user experience as a whole, and technology and research as valuable means to that end.
Design-driven: our research and education are aimed at developing knowledge and skills that help designers pursue these aims in design. Key elements are understanding people (users, designers, and others) and creative design skills (idea generation, prototyping) in various domains and on various levels
Who we are
There are about 40 people from various research groups of the Human Centered Design department involved at the StudioLab. This includes professors, lecturers, research staff, PhD and MSc students. Each working on individual projects but with an attitude towards sharing knowledge and collaboration. You will find an overview of our current members and information about their research, educational activities and documentation at the StudioLab member’s page.

Where we are
The core of the StudioLab can physically be found in several spaces on the 2nd floor B-wing of the Industrial Design Engineering building (building 32). The facilities and atmosphere is organised with serendipity and creative collaboration in mind. If you want to visit the StudioLab take the stairs (or elevator) to the 2nd floor and take a right to find the green coloured walls. From that point you can find the following spaces:
- StudioHallway (2nd floor B-wing)
- StudioSay (room B-2-040)
- StudioDo (room B-2-080)
- StudioMake (room B-2-100)
- StudioMingle (room B-2-140)
- StudioTalk (room B-2-220)
- StudioPantry (in the middle)
- StudioJoin (room B-2-260)
- StudioDream (room B-2-280)
- StudioTube (room B-2-370)
- StudioHatch (room B-2-380)
- StudioShow (room B-2-410)
- StudioTell (room B-2-420)