
Surgery Support Group 23

Team number?Group 23
StudentsLLeonie SonneveldKKamranLLise van de VenHHongxin
CoachGijs Huisman
BriefErasmus MC
KeywordsAIEmotionInteractioncancerexperiencefacemirrorplastic surgeryself confidenceself image
Exhibition linkhttps://teams.microsoft.com/l/meetup-join/19%3ameeting_ZmQ1ODE0ODctZTkxNy00ZGYxLWJkNzYtZGJiNDA4YTlmYzgy%40thread.v2/0?context=%7b%22Tid%22%3a%22096e524d-6929-4030-8cd3-8ab42de0887b%22%2c%22Oid%22%3a%2260be3b74-7efb-4999-86f3-bf5d0a0b653e%22%7d
StatusIn progress
One liner!Surgery Support - Supported inside and out
Link to video

Surgery Support

Supported inside and out

Hi! Welcome to the exhibition of group 23. Are you ready to join us on our journey towards plastic surgery? Then explore the timeline down below. You can click on the name of the prototype under the timeline to jump to a page with drawings, videos, and explanations about the prototype.


The main issue for us is that we can not always interfere directly in the medical setting with our concepts, as there are lots of limitations and things to consider. So our design goal is to make the whole patient journey more relaxing and we thought that we can help them get adopted to the situation in a more grossing manner by having a positive influence on the patient at three main stages:

  1. during introductory meetings
  1. preparation for the surgery
  1. right after the surgery


We manage to improve the overall patient experience of facial plastic surgery. Starting from the first step of consulting with doctors, our "Emogram" can monitor patients' emotions by detecting their facial expressions so that doctors can offer help to comfort patients' emotional feelings. When it comes to the pre-surgery phase, patients feel uncomfortable and scared of taking facial photos in a cold medical environment. By replacing this activity with a fun and engaging jungle adventure, patients will feel better and keep a positive attitude to the surgery. The last part is (preparing for) recovering; our "magic mirror" that shows predictions of future faces of different stages and encouraging words from family and friends help patients to feel ready for the surgery.


?1 EmoGram
? 2?Lach naar het vogeltje?
?3 ?Back to the Future?