Starting 2013, I no longer work at the StudioLab. To follow my adventures, click here.

About me

I am an interaction designer and researcher, and I am interested in understanding the user experience of media, consumer products and applications.

I believe that through thorough user research, combined with a good dose of common sense, designs can become more interesting and intriguing for people. In my work I use a broad spectrum of qualitative tools (interviews, diaries, etc.) and quantitative tools (interaction behavior, questionnaires) to generate this deeper understanding of how people experience interacting with products.


PhD defence date: October 29th – Summer, 2012
Yes. It’s finally there. I will defend my thesis on the 29th of October, 2012, at the TU Delft

Research at the CHIMe Lab – Stanford University – Spring, 2010
This spring I’m working on a study on computer mediated (minimal) communication. Together with Dr. Danielle Lottridge and Prof. Clifford Nass, we’re currently setting up the first experiments.

Measuring closeness in field settings – December, 2010
We are currently working on a measurement instrument for measuring the experience of closeness in a field setup. Using this instrument (not a questionnaire!) we will be able measure the dynamics of the closeness-experience over weeks or even months of time. Pictures and work will follow soon.

Demo at Designing Interactive Systems (DIS ’10) – August, 2010
I’ve presented a demonstrator of SnowGlobe at the DIS conference. Besides DIS being a very well organized conference (both content-wise and people-wise), I got a lot of interesting feedback on the SnowGlobe concept and measurement –> paper

Workshop on Social Connectedness at CHI ’10 – April, 2010
Together with Pavan, Lana and Daan, I organized a very interesting workshop at CHI’0 in Atlanta, on designing and evaluating connectedness systems –> paper

Columns on Design – 13 November, 2009
I’ve put some of the columns I’ve written in the past on the website. You can find them here. I’m not trying to be too cynical, but design just seems to be everywhere, everyone and always… right?

Social Connectedness workshop @ CHI ’10 – 6 November, 2009
Daan van Bel (TU Eindhoven), Pavan Dadlani (Philips Research) and Lana Yarosh (Georgia Tech) and I (StudioLab, TU Delft) will organize a workshop at the CHI conference next year in Atlanta. The official title is Designing and Evaluating Affective Aspects of Sociable Media for Social Connectedness Details can be found here!

Students show Connectedness designs @ Intel Design Expo – September 2009
Students from our Interactive Technology Design course have been invited to show their design at the Intel Design Expo in Sunnyvale, California. For more details, check the latest projects section!