
On this page you can find an overview of the student projects and courses I was involved in.

Elective: RichCollections

In the past I run the elective RichCollections. In this course M.Sc. students learned about conducting user research with a difficult-to-reach user group, children with autism. They were assigned to design a product for children with autism. Throughout the elective they had direct contact with the children and their caregivers to learn about their experiences and needs for their design project. The project ended with a product concept that was evaluated with the user group by means of an experiential prototype.

(Graduation) projects

Snapje for children with autism

Pascalle Karthaus designed an iphone application called Snapje at Suzagroup. This application can help children with autism learn emotions. Basis of this application is the PrEmo-tool of Pieter Desmet. Together with a parent, a child can discuss the emotions in a recent situation (they were part of) with the fun rewards of the PrEmo-cartoons. Visit for more information! SusaGroup entered the Vodaphone Mobile Clicks competition with this iphone application. Snapje was nominated, but unfortunately just did not make it to the finals…

Jobcoach for adolescents with autism

Joost van Hoevelaak designed a jobcoach for autistic youth at Waag Society for het Leo Kannerhuis . His ‘pebble’ aims to make the person aware of his or her stress level.

Educational game for children to nurture social interactions

Chandra Rini designed an educational game for children in primary school. Her game enables two groups of children from different countries over the world to share stories about their everyday life. This game aimed to nurture social interactions among children.

Belevingenbos for children with physical disabilities

Evita Ooms designed a nature experience for children with physical disabilities for Stichting Bio Vakantieoord. Her BelevingenBos is about playing in and with objects from the forest.

Contextmapping with children

I supervised together with Mathieu Gielen a group of three bachelor students. These students explored how children in different age categories can be involved in contextmapping techniques.

Gielen, Mathieu A. (2008) Exploring the child’s mind – Contextmapping research with children, Digital Creativity, 19:3, 174-184.
Download draft version.


Wart van Nuland designed SociaTile; a future youth meeting point for TNO. By means of this floor, he aimed for more understanding among the youth and bypassers…

Contextmapping in Taiwan

KangNing Hsu did her graduation project about how to apply contextmapping techniques in Taiwan at ID-StudioLab. Her research builds on my earlier work on contextmapping in South Korea.