The NextLevel project (2014-2018) will generate generic game design principles for gamification of mental health interventions. These design principles will be derived from gamifications of a set of six interventions. To ensure the generic applicability of the game design principles, the effect of the gamifications are tested by means of RCTs on a) the two main classes of intervention type that are in use in e-health (i.e. cognitive training and cognitive behavioural therapy), b) the two main categories of patient disorders (i.e. externalizing and internalizing disorders), and c) single patient factors (i.e. comorbidity, context of use, and treatment context). The RCTs will compare the effect of the gamified interventions versus the non-gamified interventions and critically test the expected incremental effect of gamification on the clinical effectiveness of the intervention and on the patient’s performance and experience. Knowledge of the incremental effect of gamification is mental healthcare is often assumed but almost never proved. Summarized, NextLevel will increase the value of serious game design for mental healthcare by obtaining validation effects of gamification, by presenting game design principles, and by providing guidelines for implementation.
TU Delft (Valentijn Visch (projectleader), Richard Goosens); UvA (Reinout Wiers, Pier Prins, Elske Salemink); RANJ (Michael Bas); PARC Brijder (Renske Spijkerman, Vincent Hendriks); PsyQ (Kees Korrelboom)
Grant: CLICK NL/ NWO Gather
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