As people get older, they go through cycles of adjustments to their abilities, their home and their attitude. As the physicial restrictions of elderly increase, they adjust their home, behaviour and attitude towards life. Elderly need people around them to deal with their new situation.

The needs, wishes and dreams of elderly change according their new physical and mental situation. The way elderly deal with their situation is dependent on their social network. Elderly with people around them to help, can more easily keep a positive attitude towards life. Elderly with a small social network around them have more practical needs and wishes for Woonbron, such as help with maintanance, cleaning and burglary prevention. Elderly with a large social network have a need for social activities, such as volunteer work, going to eatclubs and doing things together with other elderly. Woonbron has to keep in mind these various personas and their mental and physical situation to provide fitting services.
In this series, we highlight inspiring insights in the process from MyFutures, obtained through the cases or educational programs. This insight is obtained by Mariëtte Klunder, Geertje Slingerland and Berber within the TU Delft MSc course ‘Contextmapping Skills’. In this course, the student team conducted a contextmapping study for Woonbron.