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Ianus Keller


Cum Laude; Need I say more... things were great. Photos are being accumulated on this Flickr pool.

11-11; We now have an official date for my defense on November 11 at 10:30. The beginning of our Carnival festivities and a favorite time and date for my predecessor Dr. van Rompay.

Manuscripts away!!; On May 27 I sent six manuscripts out to the committee (which is a very cool committee) all over the world... In the package there is a Manuscript DVD with a nice short movie

Moe maar voldaanManuscript milestone; On February 25, after a week of stressful compilation and writing work I reached a symbolic milestone by sending out a manuscript to my two promotors. Still much work to do, but (a least 80% of) the whole story is now out there on paper

Cabinet on Austrian radio; On February 15, Sonja Bettel from Austrian public radio OE1 visited the ID-Studiolab and made a radio interview with me on Cabinet (and TRI) for their computer radio show m@trix. Very strange to communicate such a visual tool through such a non-visual medium

Donald Norman with CabinetDonald Norman with Cabinet; On November 8, the famous interface design guru Donald Norman saw the Cabinet. Donald was in the Netherlands for the very well received Nielen Norman User Experience 2004 event. He did a nice lecture for students, colleagues and many others and afterwards got a tour of the ID-Studiolab. The immensely packed program started with a presentation of my prototype and this was the first time I was able to talk aobut our in-situ testing of the prototype over time. Another highlight of the last four years

Cabinet in Delft Outlook; On October 28, 2004 the Cabinet was featured in the English version of the Delft Integraal, the Delft Oultook. Delft Outlook offers a nice pdf download PDF document.

Rector Magnificus on board; On October 8 we had an impromptu visit of Prof. dr. ir. T.J. Fokkema to the ID-Studiolab. He was very enthusiastic about our work and the Cabinet prototype; proud of his university. A couple of days later me and my professor found ourselves in his spacious office talking about having him on my committee and making this project a proper example of doctoral design as described in our doctorate regulations.

Delta Spi-VBoris wall; On August 27, upon returning from Aruba we were happily surprised with an artwork done by the artist Boris for our son Boris. The piece resembles his work at 't Hoogt 4. It is slowly decaying (with some help from the Gemeente Dordrecht anti-graffiti programme). While it lasts check out our pictures.

Back from Aruba; From August 10 to august 27, 2004 we have taken a nice family holiday. Check out the daily pictures exported from the Cabinet software and published on the WiFi enabled beach. It was a perfect timing for closing the period of heavy development, heavy testing and heavy prototyping. Now I am ready for finishing it all up, writing my thesis and setting up a nice show.

Balkenende with CabinetCabinet at the Innovationplatform; On July 7, 2004 me and Wubbo Ockels were basically the only two presenters of research at a meeting of the InnovatiePlatform where I had more than enough time to present the Cabinet to some members of the real Dutch cabinet, Prime Minister Balkenende and minister of Economics Brinkhorst. In the room were more very interesting people and this was certainly a day to remember.

Cabinet in Delft Integraal; On July 2, 2004 the Cabinet was featured in the latest Delft Integraal. If you want to check it out, see the first Cabinet-collage of the complete article. Better yet... Delft Integraal now offers a nice pdf download PDF document.

ctureRef (Van Luijk Thumb: Presenting the Cabinet to Van Luijk, the president of the TU Delft, click on the image for a larger picture, align:"right")} Van Luijk at PhD-day; On June 25, 2004 I presented the Cabinet at the PhD-day as an (interactive) poster. It was fun setting up a little shrine in the basement to accomodate my prototype. We had some nice visitors coming by at the "borrel" and at the end of the day the President of the TU Delft (Voorzitter CVB) came by to look at the work done at the newly independent faculty of Industrial Design Engineering. I have got a nice slideshow of the Cabinet and van Luijk where you can see he is getting more and more excited and more people are gathering. Best of all... the jury awarded me with a "hors concours" prize for the best "immersive experience". If you want to experience it yourself, check out the PhD-Day panorama made by Aldo Hoeben.

Cabinet is back; On June 22, 2004 the Cabinet returned from its experimental run and is now back at homebase (or basement) at the ID-Studiolab. I am very happy and proud to have her back next to my desk.

Cabinet at SMOOL; On May 25, 2004 we moved the Cabinet from an extremely succesful run at Fabrique to our next experimental subject Renee at SMOOL

My boys at CHI; On April 27, 2004 Wouter van der Hoog and the other Mamasboys did a cool presentation of the Gust Bowl at the infamous Computer Human Interaction Conference (CHI 2004). Everything went great and they were even able to bring in the knowledge of our man in Seattle, Pieter Diepenmaat

Cabinet at Fabrique; On April 13, 2004 we moved the Cabinet from Waacs to our next experimental subject Renate at Fabrique

Cabinet at WAACS; On March 5, 2004 we officially finished development on the Cabinet and started the experiment by placing the working prototype at WAACS Design Consultancy

Tussenstand in Delta; On February 23, 2004 I had my first little minute of fame in a human interest article called "de Tussenstand" (in between score) in our University newspaper the Delta. I expect more exciting coverage from the Delft Integraal/Outlook. visits ID-Studiolab; On February 4, 2004 we had visitors from over for a tour of our research work, design for the senses. A nice but dutch "Verslag" has been published on the SigCHI.NL website.

Cabinet (prototype formerly known as IGS) at Marieke; On November 26, 2003 we placed the technical working IGS Prototype for a pilot at Marieke Sonneveld. She has been living with the prototype for two weeks and though technical issues still played a role, the interaction and availability of the prototype helped her think more about her collection of images then ever before.

Apple Expo 2003 Paris; On September 16, 2003 my Macfriends Peter Kraaijeveld, Karel Zelisse, Maarten en Laurens Wilming traveled by Thalys to Paris to see Steve Jobs in real life. Not all our predictions came through, but the new 15" Powerbook and Wireless Keyboard & Mouse were more revelation than we could have hoped for. And... Paris is always nice in pictures.

Intreerede Pieter Jan Stappers
; On September 12, 2003 my professor Pieter Jan Stappers has his official inaugeration for the chair of Design Tools and Techniques. For this event the ID-Studiolab gives him a special customized iPod, filled with voicemails and music selections by all his colleauges... we call it the pjPod.

Sony Feelware Visit; On September 8, 2003 the Sony Feelware Research Laboratory visits the ID-Studiolab to see what our lab is doing. My presentation of IGS seemed to work quite well (magical). And I have some pictures of their visit.

Microsoft Research Design Expo
; From July 27 to August 1, 2003 we are invited by Microsoft to present the results of the MSR Design Expo at to their headquarters in Seattle, Washington. With our winning design team, the Mama's Boys we have a nice and busy schedule over there (PS Our team made a great presentation at Microsoft and we enjoyed working together with everyone over there).

Gert Pasman; On July 1, 2003 my scientific mentor and research predecessor Gert Pasman defends his PhD Thesis on Designing with Precedent (not to be confused to the Designing with Presidents masterpiece).

PhD-day 2003 and Thinkquest Webstrijd; On June 25, 2003 I combined presenting a poster at the PhD-day with being the jury on the grand finale of the Thinkquest design competition Uit de Kunst. A busy day, but great fun.

Niels Vink; On June 24, 2003 my alter AIO defends his PhD Thesis on a conceptual model of customization choices or Consumer Product Choices in Mass Customization Environments.

Generative tools / contextmapping workshop; On July 13, 2003 we invited 12 practicing designers for a workshop to experience and work with generative tools for contextmapping. We have a wonderful "achterwerk in de kast" movie (quicktime 55 Mb or avi) of the result.

DEAF03; On March 5, 2003 I visited the Dutch Electronic Arts Festival 2003 (short DEAF03) organized by the wonderful V2 organization. I put down some notes on the installations on my DEAF 03 page.

Doors 7; November 14, 15 and 16, 2002 me and my wife visited my regular biannual partyconference Doors of Perception 7 (I missed number 1 and 3). This time the theme was Flow and it was again wonderful. In a little PDF Anneke and I put our Notes on Doors 7 PDF document (with pictures).

Rich Gold; on 12 November 2002 we visited the Engineering is Magic symposium with Rich Gold as their speaker. Next day Rich Gold and Megan Smith were so nice to visit the ID-Studiolab. Note: We just received notice that Rich Gold died in his sleep on 9 January 2003, we are of course shocked.

PhD-day 2002; On June 19, 2002 I presented my research at the 2nd PhD-day organized by Rene van Egmond the presentation itself went very well, where we used the material effect of using projected light as a way to loose the frame and navigate the audience through my presentation. The result... "Best Presentation Award".

Chris Hales; After seeing one of his great interactive cinematic toys on Exchange 2000 we decided we had to have him over to talk to our TWAIO's. It was a wonderful meeting and we are glad to have had him over.

CHI 2000 overview; Get a taste of what happened on the CHI 2000 conference.

chi thumbnails:

These links are made for download And I just love these Bill Buxton Maya commercials and the new New Beetle Convertible commercial, The Cog for Honda Accord that looks a lot like the installation video I saw in France by Peter Fischli and David Weiss Der Lauf der Dinge (The way things work - trailer from T&C Films AG). The Swiss Hektor movie is also a nice showpicee of cool technology. I have to get this Hootchie Cootchie Lifesaver running sometimes. I love the handmade textile at Supernana