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Ianus Keller


Keller, A.I. (2005) For Inspiration Only, Designer Interaction with Informal Collections of Visual Material. Doctoral dissertation available online, Delft: TU Delft.

Saakes, D.P., & Keller, A.I. (2005) Beam me down, Scotty. To the virtual and back! Proceedings of DPPI 2005, Eindhoven.

Stappers, P.J., & Keller, A.I. (2005) Creating people for products Proceedings of DPPI 2005, Eindhoven.

Keller, A. I., Hoeben, A., & van der Helm, A. (2005) Cabinet: Merging designers≠ digital and physical collections of visual materials. Proceedings of 3AD Third International Conference on Appliance Design 2005, Bristol, UK, pp.106-110. To appear in Personal and Ubiquitous Computing.

Keller, A.I., & Stappers, P.J. (2005) Serendipitous encounters and pleasure browsing.Proceedings of CAID & CD2005, Delft, pp.774-780.

Hoog, W. van der, Stappers, P.J., Keller, A.I. (2004) Connecting Mother and Son: A Design Using Routine Affective Rituals Interactions, 11 (5), special issue.pp.68-69

Keller, A.I., Stappers, P.J., Vroegindeweij, S. (2004) Supporting informal collections of digital images: organizing, browsing and sharing poster presentation at Dutch Directions in HCI,, June 2004

Hog, W. van der, Keller, A.I., Stappers, P.J. (2004) Gustbowl: Technology Supporting Affective Communication Through Routine Ritual Interactions interactive demonstration at CHI 2004, Vienna, pp. 775-776

Keller, A.I., van der Hoog, W., Stappers, P.J. (2004) Gust of Me: Reconnecting mother and son in IEEE Pervasive Computing special issue on Art, Design and Entertainment in pervasive environments, January-March 2004 Also available online at IEEE Distributed Systems Online, April

Umemoro, H., Keller, A.I., & Stappers, P.J. (2003) More light on your table: Table-sized sketchy VR in support of fluid collaboration. Proceedings of the 6th Asian Design International Conference, Tsukuba.

Keller, A.I., Stappers, P.J. (2001) Using video collages in the design process to experience presence and atmosphere. Journal on CyberPsychology and Behavior special issue on Presence, Volume 4, Number 2, April 2001, Mary Ann Liebert.

Stappers, P.J., Keller, A.I. & Hoeben, A. (2000) Aesthetics, interaction, and usability in 'sketchy' design tools. In Exchange Online Journal, issue 1(1) 2000

Keller, A.I. Hoeben, A. & Stappers, P.J. (2000) Listen to the noise: 'sketchy' design tools for ideation. In Exchange Online Journal, issue 1(1) 2000

Keller, A.I., Stappers P.J., Hoeben A.; TRI: inspiration support for a design studio environment. Accepted for DCNet 2000. University of Sydney. Published on December 20, 2000. Keller, A.I.; MDS-i for 1-to-1 E-commerce: a position paper. Position paper presented at the 1-to-1 E-commerce workshop at CHI 2000. Den Hague, (NL).
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Keller A.I., Stappers P.J., Adriaanse J.; Presence for design: Using video-collages for atmospere; 3rd International Workshop on Presence