
Designer Interaction with Informal Collections of Visual Material


Rector Magnificus
Prof. dr. P.J. Stappers
Prof. J.M. Hennessey
Prof. dr. J.P.L. Schoormans
Prof. dr. ir. J.B.O.S. Martens
Prof. dr. B. Laurel
Prof. G. Crampton Smith
Prof. dr. K.P. Lee


Defence on November 11, 2005 at 10:30 AM in the Senate Room of the Aula. At 10:00 AM a short presentation of the key findings.
Meer Promotieceremonie (Dutch)
sticker 5: A picture of the proud Cabinet development team, from left to right Aldo Hoeben, Ianus Keller and Aadjan van der Helm, posing before the officially finished prototype.    This was a day before it was going to be sent out to practice and we needed a way to commemorate this moment.    This picture was taken on February 4, 2004 by Gert Pasman using my digital camera.    On flickr.com/photos/cabinet/sets/ are more pictures of the development team (people) and of the history of Cabinet

Developing Cabinet

This chapter describes the development of Cabinet. Download the whole story in Chapter 5 Developing Cabinet.

Flickr for inspiration

Links to related projects:

The TRI Setup
ACT 02

Links to related topics:

Cabinet of Curiosities
Research through Design
Idea Generation Methods
Context mapping

More inspiration only

Louis Pasteur
Albert Einstein

Last update: Saturday, December 10, 2011 at 9:39:13 PM