Coming Soon: Course Materials for Download
In 2024 we are developing an ‘Open Educational Resource’ (OER): we are gathering the contextmapping course materials from the IDE Master programs, our workshops for industry and academics, and resources for students and researchers in design and other disciplines inside and outside Delft.
In the Contextmapping OER you can find lecture videos, exercise materials, tips and brief theories, links to academic papers and to case studies. Until this is officially launched, you can view and download the assets from this miroboard-under-construction.

Contextmapping as tools, method, and attitude
As tools
Contextmapping tools are varied, and include tools that were previously thought to be the domain of professional designers, including visioning tools, visual thinking tools, but also traditional research tools as observations and interview. Using the tools calls upon the design and research skills of users and researchers.
As method
Contextmapping is a procedure for conducting contextual research with users, where tacit knowledge is gained about the context of use of products. It aims to inform and inspire design teams, where users and stakeholders actively participate in the design process to ensure a good fit between the design and the use of a product. The aim is not just to uncover user insights, but also to carry this through in product concepts and product development.
As attitude
Contextmapping views the users as the experts of their experience, and involves them in that role in the design process. Most users hold knowledge that the designer or company doesn’t have, and can come up with viable solutions, if appropriately supported.