I am a design consultant and a researcher in service design and development. My interests lie in people centered design approaches, and ways to make organizations sensitive to the diversity of peoples lives and behaviors. My goal is to help realize human friendly solutions to technical and organizational challenges.

Currently I am involved in a research project focussing on designing human friendly services, in which i aim to identify the strategic value of using user centered design approaches in service design. For this I am developing a measuring instrument that involves ROI, customer satisfaction questionnaires and add qualitative data to capture the effects of a user centered approach. This project is part of an ongoing service design project called Innoveren in Dienstverlening, with several design agencies conducting user-centered research and design for Utrecht Central Station. (start December 2010)

Among other things our research is has resulted in a book (june 2013) in which nine projects are described and analysed in detail. It is available online as a pdf. The current (1st) edition is in Dutch, but an english translation is underway. the title of the book is “Service design – Inzichten uit negen praktijkvoorbeelden”. In english that would mean: Service design – insights from nine case studies. Some more information and links on our views on service design at Studiolab can be found here.

Next to my research activities (part time), I run a design consultancy in service design and collaborative innovation: Bedenkwerk

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