Ideator (1995)
- A Support Tool For The Conceptual Phase Of Design.The IDEATOR was a 'materialised' vision of what designers would need in a digital ideation tool, created by Ralph Stuyver and Jim Hennessey.
The IDEATOR vision combines an A3 sized, portable screen with physically different pens that do behave like different realworld media on the canvas and two handed interaction.
While the A3 sized screen still can't be produced (or be produced at a price and reliability so designers can get their hand on them), some of the IDEATOR's concepts were picked up by the industry. Most notably, interaction though physically different tools that have a specific behavior 'onscreen' is now possible though Wacom's Intuos line of tablets.
Related publications
Stuyver, R. and Hennessey, J.M.,A Support Tool For The Conceptual Phase Of Design, People and Computers X, Kirby, M.A.R., Dix, A.J. & Finlay, J.E.,Cambridge University Press, Cambridge, 1995, pp. 235-245.
Kolli, R., Stuyver R., Hennessey, J.M., Deriving the Functional Requirements for a Sketching Device: A Case Study, Proceedings HCI Conference 93, Vienna, Austria, Springer-Verlag, 1993, pp. 184-195
Last update: Tuesday, December 13, 2011 at 10:26:19 PM.