Exhibition 3 - Group 21

Team Number?Group 21
StudentsAAlex HazamaGGuadalupe Álvarez VillagómezTTim BiervlietLLaura Jonker
CoachGijs Huisman
BriefErasmus MC
One Liner
Link to videohttps://youtu.be/ceQVsOofG_k
Link to video 2
? ITD Projects


For women who will undergo breast reconstruction surgery, choosing the right material and size of the breast can be stressful and conflicting. But we realized that breast sizes and shapes are dynamic, changing and adjusted by women all the time based on their daily needs and context. Women with small breasts wear special clothes, tapes and bras to enhance them at parties or nice dinners, and women with big be east wear special clothes, tapes and bras to reduce them at work meetings or when doing physical activities. So, if there was an implant that automatically adapts to the woman?s activities, it would take the pressure off of women who are deciding on their reconstructive procedure. This speculative and futuristic design is meant for people to reflect on how women?s breasts affect them in their daily interactions and are pushed to alter, even momentarily, their natural body figure to avoid specific situations or simply fit in social standards.


Our design proposal is an implant that can change its size depending on the woman?s needs and activities. These size changes can be either automatic or on-demand, depending on the situation. A smart mode would identify when a woman goes out running, training or doing housework and the breast implants would reduce their size for her to feel more comfortable. If she wants to go out on a special occasion, try a dress that is a bit larger than her size or feel sexy, the breast can become bigger on demand. The smart breasts identify the activities through an accelerometer and gyroscope. This technology learns the kind of activity and adapts the breast size to each event they are attending. Additionally, they could have preferences scheduled so these changes happen more satisfying throughout the day.


To simulate this concept, a mannequin will represent the woman with the implants. Then the tester will play the friend of the woman and be her company throughout the activities of a regular day. The setting will include a home environment, a gym and a shopping mall. The tester will take the mannequin to every activity planned for the day and the breasts implants on the mannequin will adapt depending on the chosen situation: if they decide to go to the gym, their breasts will become smaller for more comfort, and if they decide to try a dress at the shopping mall breasts will become bigger to fit the clothes. The breast will be made of a foam structure that expands and shrinks through a servo motor and 3d printed jagged bars and gears. They will identify the scenario through NFC scanning, and that?s how they will respond to each situation presented in the exhibition.

Final video