Exhibition 2_Group 03

Team number?Group 03
StudentsPPreranaDinuo LiaoGGuangMMariana
CoachTomasz Jaskiewicz
Keywordsspeculative design, driving experience, sustainability, well-being
One linerThe best ride everytime
Link to videohttps://www.youtube.com/watch?v=9n65b-Al4tU
Link to video 2
Exhibition presentation

Creating the best ride based on your preferences is now possible!

Imagine to have an AI that can help you optimize the environment inside the car, so you get the most out of the experience and concentrate in the important things? Welcome to the best raide!

We designed a digital interface integrated in the carīs dashboard, where you can personalize your ride.

The Exhibition Experience

This is how the interface looks, you can play with the sliders, to let the AI know your preferences. We focused in two main areas:

Sustainability - refers to the relationship between economy, efficiency and emissions, which have an impact on the environment as well as fuel consumption.

Well-being- refers to the interactions that can be carried out inside the car that will reduce stress, in which we found 3 different aspects that such interactions will include: physical health, entertainment and socializing.

After you set the preferences, you are ready to begin the navigation! If there were more sustainable preferences selected, then the environment of the car transforms into a greener scenario with relaxing music, as well as proposing reducing the speed to decrease emissions. (This last task was not prototyped).

If the preferences have a well-being predominance the AI will suggest playing a game with other drivers, where the sterring wheel will become an instrument and will create music.

By the time that the participant arrived to their destination, a report is provided, where they can have an overview of the implications of their drive, what we want to achieve with this report is create a reflection in regard of AI that is controlling the conditions inside the car to make it more enjoyable, but at the same time the effects of driving are still there, regardless of the preferences that are set.