Exhibition 2_Group 21

Team number?Group 21
StudentsGGuadalupe Álvarez VillagómezLLaura JonkerAAlex HazamaTTim Biervliet
CoachGijs Huisman
One liner
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Link to video 2
Exhibition presentation


Breasts can be a strong aspect of a woman?s identity...

Deciding on the shape and size of your new breast can be emotionally and mentally distressing, yet this is barely addressed during their reconstruction process.

Everyday we do things to enhance our personality: get a new haircut, buy new clothes and even long-term body modifications like tattoos, implants and piercings.

So, why can?t choosing new breast implants be as fun?

If the preoperative experience of women allowed them to explore their options freely and in relation with their character and identity, they would feel more confident about their decision.


A fitting room experience where patients can try out the different breast options they have and see how they look on themselves through and (ideally) interactive mirror. They will be invited to explore the different breasts by suggestions from an AI based on personality attributes.

Find below a video that illustrates the interaction of the patients with our concept.


The patients will start by answering to a digital questionnaire that will trigger them to reflect on the aspects of their identity. This will be simulated through Figma and an interactive prototype.

The technology ideally will also guide them through the breast fitting journey.

Based on their answers to the questionnaire, LED lights will light up with automatic suggestions of breast prosthesis that patients can try to explore how they look on them.

An interactive mirror will show them how the breast will look on them in a more realistic way, as well as clothes and backgrounds to help them visualize themselves in real life contexts. This will be achieved through 3d Animation in Blender and the augmented reality through Lens Studio.