Future Museum Experience Design Game

The Future Museum Experience Design Game was developed for the CHI 2016 workshop ‘Involving the Crowd in Future Museum Experience Design’ (May 7, 2016; San Jose, California).

Aim of the workshop was to explore the implications of museums reaching out to crowds beyond their local communities, as well  as of museums increasingly becoming part of ecosystems of institutions, museums and communities, and to study the role that new technological developments such as Internet of Things, Maker Movement, DIY technologies may play in that.

Game Cards

Through game cards, the game suggests situations to develop museum experience design ideas for. Participants can pick one card from each of six colours of game cards, each representing categories of aspects that may influence a design. Categories are: Types of museum, Who to engage with as a museum, Ways of engagement, Aims of engagement, Cultural experiences it should lead to, and Digital Technologies to be used in it.

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Valuing design ideas

Design ideas are then positioned on two types of C-boxes and are evaluated with respect to issues such as

– novelty of the design’s ways of engagement
– new challenges the design brings along for designers and museums,
– challenges and interesting new opportunities coming along with novel digital technologies used in the ideas,
– challenges or opportunities in relation to a museum’s identity when being part of a larger ecosystem,
– challenges for trajectories of experiences across various places, such as institutions, homes, etc.

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The game was developed in close collaboration with Licia Calvi (NHTV Breda University of Applied Sciences), RaffaellaTrocchianesi (Politecnico di Milano) and Sara Radice (Politecnico di Milano)